50 Takes Returning in 2025 with New Focus

We launched our 50 Takes on Democracy series as a means of inviting journalists, academics, and policy professionals to provide insights on the state of democracy in their home states. We think the series has been a success so far.

But, with the return of Donald Trump to the White House, we’ll be revamping the series to provide more particular focus on how states are managing the more illiberal parts of the Trump agenda. That means understanding how states are or aren’t coordinating with President Trump’s policies on immigration, trans and other LGBTQ+ rights, trade and regulation, and more. America is both a democracy and its many democracies. So, we will be trying to help provide a picture of how the country is changing in a time of severe threat to its laws, institutions, and norms.

Watch this space.


Boogeymen and Battlegrounds: Michigan’s Ongoing Struggle Over Democracy